Oral Health and Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral Health and Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral Health and Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral Health and Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer, while often overlooked, is a serious concern that demands attention. Early detection is critical for effective treatment. At My Bloomingdale Dentist, we offer painless and swift oral cancer screenings designed to identify any abnormalities or changes in key areas of your mouth, including the gums, lips, tongue, throat, salivary glands, and facial region. Our comprehensive examination also encompasses checking for white or red patches, sores, lumps, and other concerning abnormalities. If necessary, we collect tissue samples and send them to a trusted laboratory for in-depth analysis.

Oral Cancer Treatment

Should treatment be necessary, our experienced team will collaborate closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Treatment options will be determined based on your diagnosis. It's worth emphasizing that oral cancer is highly treatable and curable, especially when detected in its early stages. In fact, patients enjoy an impressive survival rate of nearly 90%. Given that symptoms may not always be obvious, an annual screening is a vital step in maintaining your oral health.

If you've experienced any discomfort in your teeth or mouth, such as soreness or pain, or if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Schedule an appointment with My Bloomingdale Dentist today to prioritize your oral health and overall well-being.

Contact Information

Office Name: My Bloomingdale Dentist

Website: www.mybloomingdaledentist.com 

Phone: 224-520-8665

Dentist in Bloomingdale IL 60108 

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My Bloomingdale Dentist - Dr. Henry Kim DMD - Bloomingdale, IL 60108

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